Mental Health Capacity Building Resources » Take a Mindful Walk

Take a Mindful Walk

 Spending time in nature has a positive benefit not only to your physical health but also to your mental health.  Spending time outside can reduce your stress levels, improve concentration and make you feel better emotionally and physically.  Take a walk and be mindful of your surroundings.  Take notice of all the things that are around you.  What can you see, smell, hear, feel and taste? 

Being mindful in nature:

  • What bugs do you notice?
  • Notice the different colours of the leaves
  • What textures and colours do you see when you look for flowers?  How do they smell?
  • Lay on your back and look for pictures or objects in the clouds
  • How does the breeze feel on your skin
  • What sounds can you hear? 
  • Find different items in nature.  Take time to describe them in as much detail as you can.  For example, what colour is the object?  What texture does it have?
  • Find a tree and sit with your back to it.  Focus on how your body feels next to the tree.  Think about what the tree contributes to our environment.  Be mindful of how you feel in its presence. 
  • How does the warmth of the sun feel on your skin?

After you have completed your walk, talk or think about how you were feeling during this experience.

  • What did you notice about how your body felt?
  • Did you feel more relaxed?
  • Did you notice more around you because you were focused and paying attention to your surroundings?
  • Did you see, hear or smell something that you hadn't noticed before?

 For more ideas visit