Facilities » Operational Support

Operational Support

A primary function of the Facilities department is to ensure that building infrastructure and grounds are well-maintained, safe and conducive to learning and working (includes indoor air quality, heating, ventilation, lighting, acoustics, utilities, grounds and playground equipment).


Well-maintained, healthy and clean buildings can increase student achievement by providing safe, well-organized spaces conducive to teaching and learning. Rigorous standards are set and monitored to ensure that our caretakers deliver high quality service and they are in the buildings and available when needed most.


Facilities staff provide or arrange for preventative and routine maintenance on buildings and building systems. Annually, they inspect and assess buildings, prioritize projects to maintain and renew buildings valued below $1 million, and update the three-year Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) Plan. (Click here for the current plan.) The plan is approved by the Board and submitted to the Ministry of Education. PMR projects may include those that:
  1. Prolong the useful life of the facility through planned, proactive replacement of major components that have exceeded their life cycle and are due for failure in the near future, or that have failed.
  2. Upgrade education areas to meet program or operational requirements.
  3. Meet the requirements of students requiring intensive supports.
  4. Replace or upgrade building components to improve energy efficiency.
Some examples of PMR projects are repairing roofs and flooring, making washrooms accessible and renovating science labs, libraries, and practical and applied arts labs.

Inspection and Assessment

Annually, Facilities staff conduct an on-site inspection of each building in consultation with the school-based administrator to evaluate the condition of the building and identify potential projects. In addition, other sources of information are examined, including:
  • The overall Facilities Master Plan, which is updated periodically.
  • Consideration of consultant and engineer reports.
  • Details about the facility recorded in "Asset Planner".
  • Enrolment projection data.
  • Requests submitted by administrators.


Annually, potential projects are prioritized based on five factors:
  1. Health and safety
  2. Building or system integrity
  3. Accessibility/Inclusivity
  4. Programming
  5. Aesthetics
Projects are ranked based on condition, risk and urgency and sorted into fiscal years, with a three-year planning timeframe. This becomes the PMR plan. The overall plan, including specific projects, ranking and schedule is subject to change based on unforeseen priorities or changes in funding. Click below for the current plan.